That's me
Let's start from the beginning. My name is Marlene Madianos and I was born in May 1988. I live in Lengnau AG with my two daughters, my husband and our cat. I am a freelance photographer and I do it with body and soul.
Photography is my job and my passion at the same time, but I came across it in a roundabout way. Back when I was working in the commercial area in the office, I knew more and more that I couldn't imagine doing this job for the rest of my life.
I'm a creative person and I couldn't shake the feeling that I wanted to do something in my life that would inspire other people. Something that bears my signature and will be remembered forever.
MEMORIES - that's exactly what I'm allowed to create for people today. And I always feel very honored when I can be present at big celebrations or at private and intimate events in the lives of others in order to freeze these precious moments and emotions for eternity.
At the same time, photography leaves a lot of scope for creativity and your own style. A photo is not just a photo. It should transport feelings and tell a story. However, everyone tells stories in their own way - so do I.
I like real feelings in a natural environment.